The International Union of Architects (UIA), is a non-governmental organization and a global, a global federation of national associations of architects, that are its members.
The UIA's goal is to unite the architects of the world without any form of iscrimination. From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1948, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organizations of architects in 124 countries and territories, and now represents, through these organizations, close to one million three hundred thousand architects worldwide.
The UIA (International Union of Architects) world congresses are a premier forum for professionals and future leaders in the field of architecture to exchange the best and latest practices, visions and first-hand experience. The UIA 2017 Seoul, in particular, will promote various innovative architectural techniques and technologies among member sections and global citizens. In doing so, academic programs, exhibitions, competitions, student activities, and public outreach programs will simultaneously take place.
UIA World Congress History
Since its launch in Lausanne, 1948, 25 congresses have been held and Seoul was awarded for the 26th UIA World Architects Congress under the theme ‘Soul of City.’
Publisher UIA 2017 SEOUL
ISBN 979-11-961666-1-8 (955610)
a) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder.
b) Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any parts of this publication should be addressed to the UIA 2017 Seoul Organizing Committee.
c) No responsibility is assumed by the publishers or the authors of individual papers for any damage to property or persons as a result of operation or use of this publication and/or the information enclosed herein.
d) The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers and editors, neither do they endorse or guarantee any claims made by the authors of the UIA 2017 Seoul proceedings. The reader should therefore verify the applicability of the information or particular situations and check the references prior to any reliance thereupon.
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in this publication, the publishers and editors make no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in the Proceedings and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability in whole or in part for any errors or omissions that may be made.
The proceedings contains the abstracts and full papers of the UIA 2017 SEOUL Congress.
UIA and the Organizing Committee would like to express gratitude to all those who have generously contributed to UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress.